ContextCapture User Guide

Extract block

Extract a sub-block which covers a given region.

Extract block dialog

Extract settings

Two extraction modes are available:

  • Extract photos that view a given region (requires complete poses).
  • Extract photos whose position is inside a given region (using photo positions).


Enter the required region parameters according to the selected extraction mode:

  • KML file

    Enter the path of a KML file defining the region to extract.

    You can use any GIS tool or Google Earth to create a KML file.

  • Height interval

    Enter the rough estimate of the scene ellipsoidal height interval inside the region.

    You must not specify height above sea level. For more information, please refer to Useful concepts.

  • Margin (in meters)

    Enter a margin if you want to extend the selected region.

Extract processing

Click on Extract block to start the extract processing.

Extract create a new sub-block limited to the 2D region defined by the KML file.

Note: Once extracted, the parent block may be unloaded to save memory and loading/saving time (right click > Unload).

See also Load/unload blocks.